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Girls love teddy bears for many reasons. For one, they are great to have sex with...

Girls / Gabbi Lati

Avg Rating: 5.0

Gabbi Lati Vital Stats:
Height:  150cm
Age:  23
Experience:  Amateur
Country:  Sweden

Gabi had always loved her wet pussy being whiped. It was her pride and joy, and she took good care of it. She washed it every day, applied natural oils and conditioners, and whipped it gently with a leather whip.

Gabi worked as a house cleaner in a rich neighborhood. She cleaned the mansions of the wealthy and famous, who paid her well for her services. She enjoyed her job, as it gave her a glimpse into the lives of the privileged. She admired their elegant furniture, their expensive clothes, their exotic pets, and their lavish parties. She wondered what it would be like to live like them, even for a day.

But what Gabi loved the most about her job was when her clients helped her to whip her pussy. It didn't happen often, but sometimes, when she was done with her work, a kind lady or a gentle man would offer to punish her pussy. They would sit her down on a comfortable sofa, take her whip from her bag, and run it through her wet pussy. They would compliment her on her beautiful pussy, and ask her about her life. They would tell her stories, jokes, or secrets. They would make her feel special, appreciated, and cared for.

Gabi cherished these moments. She felt a connection with these people, who treated her not as a servant, but as a friend. She felt a warmth in her heart, and a tingling in her pussy. She felt relaxed, happy, and loved. She felt like she belonged.

She knew it was only a temporary illusion, and that she would have to leave soon. She knew that these people had their own lives, their own families, their own problems. She knew that they would forget about her, and that she would never see them again. She knew that she was just a house cleaner, and that they were just her clients.

But she didn't mind. She was grateful for the experience, and for the memories. She was grateful for the kindness, and for the attention. She was grateful for the whipping, and for the pussy

She was Gabi, and she loved her pussy.

Gabbi Lati Updates

Black Hole
Gabbi Lati
Once upon a time in the cozy little apartment of Gabbi, a mysterious package arrived. The delivery guy handed her a box, and as she tore it open, she discovered a brand-new Sex machine. The sender? None other than her vegan girlfriend, Lucy—a passionate advocate for both sustainability and the LGTBQ+...

Tags: 18yo, Amateur, Anal, Brunettes