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Aby Lust

  • Height:  159cm
  • Experience:  Newbie
  • Astrological Sign:  Virgo
  • Country:  USA
Meet Aby, a determined and ambitious young woman who has always known that she wanted to pursue a career in medicine. Growing up in a small town in the midwest, Aby was exposed to the importance of healthcare at a young age, as her mother worked as a nurse and her father as a doctor.

After excelling in her science and math courses in high school, Jane decided to pursue a degree in pre-medicine at a university in the Midwest. It was there that she discovered her passion for helping others and became determined to become a doctor.

Upon graduation, Aby applied to several medical schools around the country and was thrilled to receive an acceptance letter from one of the top medical schools in New York City. Excited for the opportunity to study in the heart of one of the world's biggest medical hubs, Jane packed her bags and headed to the big city.

Now, as a first-year medical student, Jane is taking advantage of all that the city has to offer. She is taking rigorous classes, participating in volunteer opportunities, and making connections with fellow students and medical professionals. Despite the challenges that come with medical school, Aby remains driven and focused on her goal of becoming a doctor.

With her hard work and dedication, Aby is confident that she will achieve her dream and make a positive impact on the lives of others. She knows that the road ahead will be long and challenging, but she is up for the task and ready to take on the next chapter of her journey.

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