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  • Height:  170cm
  • Age:  18
  • Experience:  Newbie
  • Country:  USA
Meet Agness, a fearless and dedicated 18-year-old who has always known that she wants to serve her country. Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, Agness was raised with a strong sense of patriotism and a desire to make a difference in the world.

In high school, Agness excelled in both academics and athletics, participating in varsity sports and volunteering at local organizations. She knew that she wanted to pursue a career in the military, but wasn't sure what path to take.

After careful consideration and research, Agness decided that attending a military school would be the best choice for her. She applied to several schools around the country and was thrilled to receive an acceptance letter from one of the top military schools in Boston.

Now, as a fresh recruit at the school, Agness is embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with military training. She is determined to become a strong and capable leader, and is taking advantage of all the resources and opportunities available to her. Despite the tough physical and mental demands of military school, Agness remains focused and driven, knowing that this is just the beginning of her journey to serve her country.

With her courage, dedication, and desire to make a difference, Agness is well on her way to becoming a respected and successful member of the military. She knows that the road ahead will be tough, but she is ready for the challenge and eager to make a positive impact on the world.

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