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  • Height:  165cm
  • Experience:  Pro
  • Country:  Ukraine
Aislin, a former porn star from Ukraine who is now a professional psychologist. Aislin's story is an inspiring one of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
Aislin was born into poverty in Ukraine and faced many challenges growing up due to her economic situation. She eventually found herself drawn towards the adult entertainment industry as it seemed like the only way she could make enough money for her family’s needs. Although this decision was difficult for her, she continued on with it out of necessity rather than choice or pleasure.
However, after some time working in pornography, Aislin realized that there were more fulfilling paths available to pursue if she just had access to better resources and education - so that’s exactly what she did! With hard work and dedication, Aislin managed to get accepted into college where she studied psychology while continuing part-time work in adult entertainment until graduation day came around (which happened sooner than expected). After completing school with flying colors - including awards for excellence -Aislin's passion led her back down another path: becoming an accomplished psychologist specializing in trauma recovery therapy & sexual health counseling services among other areas related to mental health care.

Today, through all these efforts, not only has been able to help countless individuals struggling with their own issues but also set an example showing others how even when life throws you curveballs you can still come out on top by never giving up. So here's cheering us all learning from amazing people like Aislin!

Aislin Updates




Top girl 2020



Outstanding girl, please more



Yes sir, please more of her



wow, top model Aislin



Aislin first sex scene, so beautiful

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