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  • Height:  172cm
  • Age:  18
  • Experience:  Newbie
  • Astrological Sign:  Taurus
  • Country:  Austria
Meet Ayza, an 18-year-old student from Vienna, Austria. Ayza is a dedicated and hardworking student with a passion for dentistry. Her dream is to become a dentist and help people achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. Ayza's determination to succeed is evident in everything she does.

But while Ayza is focused on her studies, she also has an adventurous side. Her sister is a professional model, and she recently invited Ayza to join her on a photoshoot. The photoshoot was for a campaign featuring plush toys, and Ayza was excited to participate.

Despite being a bit nervous about the shoot, Ayza embraced the opportunity and had a lot of fun during the shoot. She posed with the plush toys and even got to hold some of them. Ayza's natural beauty shone through in the pictures, and her sister was proud of her.

Ayza says, "I had such a great time at the photoshoot. It was a new experience for me, but I enjoyed it a lot. It was great to spend time with my sister and be a part of something so fun and creative."

While Ayza is focused on her studies and her dream of becoming a dentist, she also recognizes the importance of trying new things and exploring new opportunities. The photoshoot was a chance for her to step out of her comfort zone and have some fun, and she's grateful for the experience.

Ayza's dedication to her studies and her willingness to try new things make her an interesting and dynamic person. With her intelligence, beauty, and adventurous spirit, there's no doubt that she'll achieve great things in her life. We wish Ayza all the best as she continues on her path towards becoming a dentist.

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