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  • Height:  170cm
  • Age:  18
  • Experience:  Newbie
  • Country:  Switzerland
Meet Blackie, a former exotic dancer from Geneva, Switzerland. Blackie used to work in a local club, but after a few years, she decided to change careers and pursue her passion for plush toys. Blackie's love for plush toys goes back to her childhood, and she's always been fascinated by the soft, cuddly creatures.

Now, Blackie works at a plush toy store, and she couldn't be happier. She spends her days surrounded by all kinds of plush toys, from bears and rabbits to unicorns and dinosaurs. Blackie's knowledge of plush toys is impressive, and she loves sharing her knowledge with customers.

Blackie says, "I've always loved plush toys, and it's amazing to be able to work with them every day. I love helping customers find the perfect toy for their children or for themselves. There's something magical about plush toys that brings joy to people's lives."

Blackie's passion for plush toys extends beyond her job. She has a full house of plush toys, and she's always on the lookout for new and interesting additions to her collection. Her friends and family know about her love for plush toys and often give her plush toys as gifts.

Blackie's decision to leave her previous job and pursue her passion for plush toys is an inspiration to others. She followed her heart and found a job that brings her happiness and fulfillment. Her love for plush toys is contagious, and she spreads joy to everyone around her.

Blackie's story is a reminder that it's never too late to pursue your passions. Whether it's a childhood dream or a new interest, following your heart can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding life. We wish Blackie all the best as she continues to spread joy through her love of plush toys.

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Welcome beauty



5 stars from me



I like girls with small boobs, great job Blackie






Is she from Swiss?



I guess yes

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