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  • Height:  165cm
  • Age:  18
  • Experience:  Newbie
  • Astrological Sign:  Scorpio
  • Country:  USA
Hilary is a kinder garden teacher from Chicago, Illinois.

How long time you are model? This is my first time
Why did you start modeling? I love to try new things in life
What do you like about modeling jobs? I think it fun :)
Do you like boys or girls? I like stuffed animals :) but I also love boys
What are your hobbies? movies, parties, and sex
What is your favorite food? Sushi and Ice cream
How did you lose your virginity? It was at a drunken party, I hardly remember it
How did you come u with your stage name? I like Hilary Clinton
How was your first photoshoot? I was a little nervous for the first time, but it was fun
What is your favorite position for sex? doggy style, I love to be taken from behind and very hard sex, pulling my hair and stuff
What turns you on sexually? Rough sex and teddy bears, I love tattoos
Are you submissive or dominant in the bedroom? Submissive
How often do you masturbate? Very often, sometimes 3 times per day :)
How do you masturbate? I just fingering my clitoris
How long time you need to be done? 10 minutes
Do you watch porn? I do, I love Plushies TV
What kind of porn? Rough sex and group sex
Who is your favorite porn star? Jordi, Apolonia, Megan Rain
What is your fetish? Teddy bears :)
Tell us about your teddy bear? at my house, I have a super big teddy bear I love to cuddle with him a lot
Do you sleep with him in the same bed? Yes I do
Do you talk with him? every night :)
Do you love him? I do love him
Do you kiss him? Sure I do kiss him :)

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