Vanessa, an 18-year-old college student residing in Boston, Massachusetts, hails from Finland. However, her life took a significant turn at the age of 15 when her family relocated to the USA. The reason for this move was her father's career opportunityβa prestigious job offer at Amazon in Boston. Consequently, Vanessa and her entire family embarked on this life-changing journey. Currently, Vanessa is passionately pursuing her academic journey, specializing in the field of arts. In addition to her studies, she is an active member of the cheerleading team, displaying her dedication and enthusiasm in the realm of sports. Beyond her academic and athletic pursuits, Vanessa has a fervent admiration for Livvy Dunne, a TikTok sensation. She eagerly anticipates Livvy's daily TikTok updates, underscoring her commitment to following her idol's journey.
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